Sapele, the gorgeous species of hardwood reminiscent of Mahogany, is native to tropical Africa—the name Sapele comes from the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This wood is known for its distinctive grain figure and is prized for its lustrous iridescence.
Demand for Sapele has increased in recent years. It is used in the production of furniture, luxury flooring, and guitars, as well as in boat building. Sapele has also been used by car maker Cadillac for vehicle interior wood trim and accents. And, Sun Mountain builds beautiful doors from Sapele!
The door featured here (SQ-0101-D006, customized with horizontal kerfs) is an impressive 3′ 6″ wide and 8′ tall. The clean lines are underscored by Sun Mountain’s square sticking and flat panel profiles with a narrow “channel” (Sun Mountain’s A1-MVN profile). The Clear Coat finish accentuates Sapele’s characteristic grain pattern and luminous color. See Sapele finished in Sun Mountain’s standard stains and glazes below.
This beautiful front entry door is at home in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.